Want to protect your knees for this Year's Winter Sports?

Try our tailored workouts

Imagine skiing down the slopes without fear of knee pain! These 5 minute workouts should help you achieve that. 3 are free, and pay a little bit to get access to 40 videos! Returning customers can go to click here to go to their library.


Start your journey towards a stronger, safer, and more confident skiing experience


Get 40 five minute workouts, pre-ski warmup and post-ski stretch videos

To prepare your ankles, knees and hips for the winter season with tailored, easy to follow videos, click on the button below.

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Stefano De Sciscio

As a regular cyclist, I likewise recommend this course for people who aren’t into skiing. John’s ambition and fostering programme can help you buttress your articulations and develop stretching habits to prevent any physical pain after or before a workout.

Katarina Ormuž

I recommend John's training program for improving lower-body and back strength, and to build muscle. It's a great way to prepare for skiing, stay in shape, or spice up your regular workout routine.

H. Dollery

John’s Knees for Skis is very professional. He doesn’t only provide reachable daily goals but also gives helpful explanations for the benefits of each exercise. Him being a licensed physiotherapist makes the difference clear between this and any other online exercise program.

Much recommended!

To transform your winter sports experience with improved strength, balance, and injury prevention, click on the button below

 This program provides a 5-minute daily workout plan to prepare your knees and body for the skiing season.

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